PCoIP Session-Creation Steps and Actors

PCoIP Session-Creation Steps and Actors

The steps indicated below are used and documented in the bundled sample code. Refer to the code for specific function calls, expected return values and error-handling requirements. The example C++ code can be found in the SDK package located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/minimal_client/main.cpp:

Core API Integration

PCoIP Core Library Integration

The core library allows an application developer to integrate a PCoIP session directly into an application. The core library facilitates connection to a remote host, decoding PCoIP image data directly into an application supplied frame buffer as well as remoting audio, keyboard and mouse events and supported USB devices.

Webcam Support

The Anyware Software Client for Linux now supports USB webcams when connecting to a Anyware Agent for Windows. USB webcams can now be used while in the remote desktop, including with applications such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

For detailed information which models have been tested and the performance metrics associated with these models see here. This knowledge base article also deals steps on how to test and verify other webcam models.

As of 21.07, this feature is enabled by default.

SDK Header Files

The following table contains a brief description of the header files included in the Anyware Client SDK for Linux:

Note: Location of the Header Files

The header files are available at the following locations in the Anyware Client SDK for Linux package: