Standard Agent for Linux 24.07 Administrators' Guide
This release is in Beta. Beta software is not fully supported, and may be incomplete or unstable. It is not intended for use in production systems. We welcome your feedback on this release! Send feedback to

Updating the Agent

Updates to the Standard Agent for Linux will be published on a regular basis. New stable builds will be produced approximately every three months.

To update the Standard Agent for Linux to the current version, update your local package as described below. Your configuration settings will be preserved.

To update the Standard Agent for Linux:

  • RHEL/Rocky Linux

    Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

    sudo yum makecache
    sudo yum update pcoip-agent-graphics
    sudo reboot
  • Ubuntu

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install pcoip-agent-graphics
    sudo reboot

Last updated: Tuesday, June 25, 2024