How do I upload firmware on PCoIP Zero Clients or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
This knowledge base article applies to using the Administrative Web Interface (AWI) as the tool used to upload firmware. To upload the firmware using the PCoIP Management Console, refer to Management Console 202x.x (or 1.10.x) administrators' guide and …
Linux DHCP server configuration when using DHCP Discovery on PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x
Answer: This is based on PCoIP Management Console 2.x and newer only This is an example of configuring a Linux DHCP server when using DHCP Option for device discovery. The DHCP server is configured by editing the configuration file: /etc/dhcpd.conf This …
Management Console profile with blacklisted ciphers fails to apply to Remote Workstation Card
If a Management Console profile is configured to blacklist any of the following Remote Workstation Card ciphers, the profile application will fail on Remote Workstation Cards running firmware 21.01 or newer. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 …
When does the PCoIP Management Console apply a resolution change using the Enable Preferred Resolution Override setting while in a PCoIP session?
In PCoIP Management Console (MC) 1.9.1 (and newer), PCoIP Zero Clients with firmware 4.1.2 (and newer) can be configured to override the attached monitors native resolution using the Enable Preferred Resolution Override feature. The setting is recognized …
Workaround for database failures when restoring or migrating from PCoIP Management Console 2.4 or older to versions 2.5.1 or newer.
Customers on Management Console (MC) 2.4 or older, restoring databases, or migrating to 2.5.1 or newer are required to run this mandatory database clean-up script prior to the restore or migration. These steps reduce the size of the database which is …
How do I enable NTP on PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards?
Enabling NTP is important on the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. NTP is using for the following: Setting the time and date of the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. As there is no battery on the devices, the time and …
How do I change the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of a PCoIP Zero Client?
First, change the PCoIP name to a new name. Currently, the "PCoIP Device Name" can only be changed on an individual basis in two locations: The  "OSD--> Configuration--> Label"  tab The  "AWI--> Configuration--> Label"  tab The default format is  …
What does GSOAP :tera_gsoap_tls_shutdown: tera_rtos_event_get timeout mean in the log?
Problem Message GSOAP :tera_gsoap_tls_shutdown: tera_rtos_event_get timeout is found in host or client log file.   Cause GSOAP is the protocol used by the PCoIP Management Console 1.x. This error is caused by a socket being opened by GSOAP and not closed …