How do I check for packet loss on the ESX interface?
If there is packet loss on a PCoIP protocol session, but an analysis of network devices in the path show no loss and they have been properly configured (see  Network session checklist for PCoIP protocol LAN and WAN deployments ) then you may want to …
Why does the "Source signal on other port" message appear on my display?
This indicates that a video source connected to the Host does not correspond with the video port used on the PCoIP Zero Client. This can be corrected by either swapping the video ports used on the Host or the PCoIP Zero Client. The following shows two …
Unable to connect (0x1001) when a PCoIP Zero Client tries to connect to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card
Problem When a PCoIP Zero Client is trying to connect to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. Clicking the connection button on the PCoIP Zero Client, the error message "Unable to connect (0x1001). Please contact your IT administrator" is returned   Cause The …
Host Display Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide
Summary To receive a detailed host diagnostic report, create a host agent  support/log file bundle  and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP  health check   tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The …
What is the session disconnect timeout for a PCoIP session?
Answer: A PCoIP protocol session is disconnected after a period of network inactivity that is dependent on the client type and configuration settings. This includes settings for: PCoIP Zero Clients: 30 seconds (default) of no network communication PCoIP …
PCoIP display is 'blurry' and the image is of lower than expected quality
Problem When using PCoIP the display is 'blurry' or of low quality. The display may be persistently blurry or is blurry intermittently and slow.    Cause Typically a blurry screen is due to the lack of bandwidth. Throughout a PCoIP session, PCoIP network …
What does the 'No source signal' message mean?
The answer depends on what type of host the PCoIP Zero Client is connected to.  VMware View 4.5 or newer The message "no source signal" appears as an overlay when the VMware View virtual desktop puts the monitors to sleep.  Pressing a key or moving the …
What are the supported monitor resolutions and refresh rates for PCoIP Zero Clients and Remote Workstation Cards?
In general, PCoIP zero clients and Remote Workstation cards should work with standard display resolutions supported by VESA. The following is a list of the tested monitor resolutions supported (display timing); all at 60 Hz display refresh rate. …
Why do I get a gray screen when connecting from the HP Anyware PCoIP Software Client to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
Answer: To resolve this issue, please make sure that you have the following installed and set correctly on the host PC/workstation - i.e. a computer with a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (host card) installed: The host card should be running PCoIP firmware …