What are my options for using PCoIP between trusted and untrusted networks?
PCoIP is encrypted by default and it cannot be disabled. This makes PCoIP itself secure on untrusted networks. To get PCoIP traffic from untrusted networks to PCoIP Hosts the following options can be used: Over a VPN that is UDP compatible. An SSL VPN …
Do PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards support HDMI connections?
PCoIP zero clients only come with the following connections: sVGA DVI (single and dual link) Display Port (1.1a) HDMI is not a supported connector type on PCoIP Zero Clients. You can purchase Display Port or DVI to HDMI cables and adapters however you may …
How to create a Certificate Template for the PCoIP Agent for Windows using a Microsoft Certification Authority
When issuing certificates to the PCoIP Agent in a Windows environment, the Windows integration with the Microsoft Certification Authority allows for easy deployment of certificates. One of the first configurations that needs to be done is creating a …
What are the possible reasons for jitter on a 30 inch monitor when compared to a 24 inch monitor connected to the same Tera2 Remote Workstation Card?
Problem In a single workstation environment when comparing a 30 inch monitor at 2560x1600 to a 24 inch monitor at 1920x1600, moving a window containing a running video in the 30 inch screen shows latency and window drag when compared to the 24 inch …
What is the impact of minimum and maximum initial image quality on a PCoIP Session?
Minimum and maximum initial image quality sets the lower and upper quality level. The default values in HP Anyware is Q40 for the minimum initial image quality and Q80 for the maximum initial image quality. If PCoIP estimates there is adequate bandwidth …
Should I use an initial image quality of Q100?
An initial image quality of Q100 will deliver the highest quality of image PCoIP can deliver. Q100 is not lossless, for a lossless image, build to lossless must be enabled.  How to configure the Turn off Build-to-Lossless feature session variable in GPO …