Feature Requests and Accelerated Development
Feature Requests   Teradici frequently releases new features for all our our products creating adding more value to you and opening up many new possible uses for our products. The new features are driven by feedback from our valued customers telling us …
Why does HP Anyware specify a Nvidia and AMD driver for use with the PCoIP Graphics Agent?
HP Anyware performs extensive testing of the PCoIP Graphics Agent for Windows and the PCoIP Graphics Agent for Linux before release. As part of the tests, HP Anyware uses the latest Nvidia and AMD drivers available at the time. Upon release of the PCoIP …
Why does touchscreen calibration not work with a resolution other then native resolution?
Answer: Calibration for touchscreens via Teradici PCoIP firmware is designed to work from the OSD in native resolution with elo branded touch screens. To calibrate from a different resolution other than native, the elo device must be bridged and the elo …
What does the error message "Session Closed Remotely" mean?
There are a number or reasons that the message "Session Closed Remotely" appears during a brokered session listed below. Informational Messages Closed by login at an alternate location or host shutdown/restart User initiated logout Disconnected by …
Can I connect a local monitor to computer that has PCoIP Remote Workstation Card or HP Anyware Installed?
Although you may have enough display heads on your GPU to connect local monitors, it is not a supported configuration when using a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card or HP Anyware. Connecting an additional local monitor may cause the following issues: Blank …