How to clear the management state of a PCoIP Zero Client

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There are several options for clearing the management state of a PCoIP Zero Client

Note: If you are clearing the management state to migrate the PCoIP Zero Client to a new PCoIP Management Console, ensure that any DNS and/or DHCP discovery settings have been updated and have propagated throughout the entire network. Failure to update the DNS and/or DHCP discovery settings will result in the PCoIP Zero Client becoming managed by the wrong PCoIP Management Console.

The Clear Management State was first introduced in PCoIP Management Console 2.5.1.

Other ways to clear the management state can be done as follows:

  1. from the OSD select Options > Configuration > Management and select Clear Management State
  2. from the AWI select Configuration > Management and select Clear Management State
  3. from the PCoIP Management Console go to the Endpoints page and select the Endpoint(s) and from the Endpoints tab select Clear Management State
  4. from a script provided by GSS upon request
  5. perform a factory reset of the PCoIP Zero Client. A factory reset can be preformed from the OSD, the AWI or the PCoIP Management Console.

To clear the Clear Management State if using an older release of PCoIP Management Console 2.x you can use the following curl commands:

curl -c cookies -k -d "password_value=<password>" -d "idle_timeout=0"
curl -b cookies -k -d "clear_topology="

Replace <password> with the device password, blank for the empty password, and replace the sample IP with the device IP or name.

Reason for wanting to clear the Management State:

  • replaced certificate on Management Console and the parent root certificate is not installed on the zero client
  • moving to a new Management Console with a different IP and / or different certificate