How do I upload firmware on PCoIP Zero Clients or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?

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This knowledge base article applies to using the Administrative Web Interface (AWI) as the tool used to upload firmware. To upload the firmware using the PCoIP Management Console, refer to Management Console 202x.x (or 1.10.x) administrators' guide and search for "update firmware".

It is important to know which version of firmware is currently being used, as there are specific upgrade paths depending on the firmware version being upgraded.

To upload the firmware on the PCoIP Zero Client:

  1. Log in to the AWI. (To access the web interface, browse to the IP address of the zero client from a browser and log in.)
  2. Browse to Upload>Firmware.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. Browse to the folder with the firmware file having the ".all" extension (e.g. tera1x00_rel1-9_v175.all)
  5. Double Click the correct ".all" firmware file.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Click the OK button on the popup dialogue window that reads "Are you sure? This will upload a new firmware image. This operation may take a few minutes". (When completed, the AWI page displays two buttons Reset and Continue).
  8. Click Reset.
  9. Click OK

The PCoIP Zero Client firmware upload process is complete.

To upload the firmware on the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card:

  1. Ensure the host PC or workstation is in an idle state (close all applications).
  2. Log in to the AWI. (To access the web interface, browse to the IP address of the host card from a browser and log in.)
  3. Browse to Upload>Firmware.
  4. Click Browse.
  5. Browse to the folder with the firmware file having the ".all" extension (e.g. tera1x00_rel1-9_v175.all).
  6. Double Click the correct ".all" firmware file.
  7. Click Upload.
  8. Click the OK button on the popup dialogue window that reads "Are you sure? This will upload a new firmware image. This operation may take a few minutes". (When completed, the AWI page displays two buttons Reset and Continue).
  9. Click Reset.
  10. Click OK
  11. Power off and then power on the host PC or workstation. It is necessary to power off (not just restart) the PC or workstation in order for the changes to take effect on the host card.

The PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware upload process is complete.

You can now start a PCoIP session.

Note: It is recommended that the latest supported firmware is used in production. The firmware can be found here: PCoIP Remote Workstation Card and PCoIP Zero Client

See also:

What causes a firmware upgrade failure?