How do I change the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of a PCoIP Zero Client?

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First, change the PCoIP name to a new name. Currently, the "PCoIP Device Name" can only be changed on an individual basis in two locations:

  • The "OSD-->Configuration-->Label" tab
  • The "AWI-->Configuration-->Label" tab

The default format is "pcoip-portal-002fbc0e4321", where the alphanumerical value is the device's MAC address.

To change the FQDN in the Management Console 1.x:

  1. Once the device name has been changed, Using the PCoIP Management Console, go to "Devices" in the PCoIP Management Console, and click on the device name (if still listed by the old name);
  2. In the "Device Summary" popup,  click on "Click to View Details";
  3. In the "Device Details" page, click the "Update" hyperlink in the top right, the FQDN name listed should change to the new name. It may take up to 2 minutes before the "Update" hyperlink has any effect.
  4. Return to "Devices";
  5. Go to  "Field" on the right,  and change it to "FQDN". It should then list the devices in the PCoIP Management Console with the FQDN assigned.

If the "Update" hyperlink does not work:

  1. Delete the device from the PCoIP Management Console (later, it must be re-entered into its original group);
  2. Use "Devices"-->"Device Discovery (Optional)" to enter the IP address of the zero client;
  3. Click on the "Discover Devices" button;
  4. In "Devices" go to "Field" on the right and change it to "FQDN". It should then list the device in the PCoIP Management Console with the FQDN assigned.

To change the FQDN in the Management Console 2.x or 3.x:

Select the endpoint in Management console endpoints page→Go to ENDPOINTS tab and select details option→ Click on Refresh in the endpoint details page.

In the Management console 2.x or 3.x, there is a feature called “auto naming endpoints” which create names from the configured settings and visible in the endpoints and endpoint details page. It rename endpoints when moved between groups and first discovered. These settings are only used in the MC and not available in the client AWI or OSD. You can access this feature in the naming section of settings page in the MC web interface.


See also:

How do I reset the configuration parameters entered on my PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?