Cannot connect to the web interface (AWI) of a zero client or remote workstation card after changing the Label name.

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You modify the label name of your zero client or remote workstation card and after reboot you cannot connect to the web interface using the FQDN.
For example the default label name may be similar to pcoip-portal-0030040c8f2d
You modify it to PCoIP-500-16
You confirm the DNS record is valid using nslookup
You can connect to the AWI using the IP address but cannot connect to the AWI if you use PCoIP-500-16.mydomain



Since PCoIP firmware 6.4.0 if modifying the Label name, the new name should be in lowercase. If you use any uppercase characters you will not be able to log into the AWI.
While this is a regression in our firmware it has been assigned a low priority and therefore as a work around we are recommending to only use lowercase characters.