Release Notes

Remote Workstation Card Software for Windows 23.06.1

Important Notes and Requirements

  • Remote Workstation Card Software for Windows is used to provide additional features when a Remote Workstation Card is installed in a host PC/workstation using a Windows 64-bit operating system.
  • Remote Workstation Card Software should not be installed while in a PCoIP session with the host.
  • The installer will generate an error if it is executed on an unsupported Windows OS.

Release Overview:

PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Software for Windows provides optional but recommended features for PC's and workstations that are being remoted using PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards.

This release maintains version parity with other products.

What's New in 23.06

There are no new features in this release.


PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Software for Windows release 23.06 provides compatibility with PCoIP Zero Clients running firmware 23.06 connecting to PCoIP Remote Workstation Card running firmware 23.06. 

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Resolved Issues


Known Issues
