Release Notes

CAS Manager


End of Support
This release is no longer supported.

Release Overview

These release notes provide a summary of key additions, resolved issues, and known issues for CAS Manager 22.04. Also note that all features listed for CAS Manager a Services will be included in CAS Manager.

What's New in This Release

Our focus in this release was quality, stabilization, usability, and few enhancements to enable CAS Manager evolve into a Enterprise grade offering with ease of operations. The following details  “What’s New” in CAS Manager 22.04.

Workstation profiles

In this release of CAS Manager you can create and re-use workstation profiles when creating remote workstations with CAS Manager.

Darksite installation

In this release of CAS Manager you can install CAS Manager in a Darksite (ie, an environment where there is no internet access, also known as airgap or offline environment) by downloading the Darksite dependency files, transferring them to the target Darksite machine, and then running the Darksite installation script. For more information on this, see Installing CAS Manager - Darksite Installation.

Beta Features (only available in CAS Manager as a Service)

We continue to release features to be evaluated in our CAS Manager as a Service offering under the Beta flag. Please check this section for more information on these features.


Current supported release Technical Guidance

Release Overview

These release notes provide a summary of key additions, resolved issues, and known issues for CAS Manager 22.01. Also note that all features listed for CAS Manager a Services will be included in CAS Manager.

What's New in This Release

Our focus in this release was quality, stabilization, usability, and few enhancements to enable CAS Manager evolve into a Enterprise grade offering with ease of operations. The following details  “What’s New” in CAS Manager 22.01.

Floating Pools and Workstation Assignments

In this release of CAS Manager you can select Floating as a workstation assignment policy from the Admin Console. For more information on Floating Workstation Assignments, see here



End of Support
This release is no longer supported.

Release Overview

These release notes provide a summary of key additions, resolved issues, and known issues for CAS Manager 21.10. Also note that all features listed for CAS Manager a Services will be included in CAS Manager.

What's New in This Release

Our focus in this release was quality, stabilization, usability, and few enhancements to enable CAS Manager evolve into a Enterprise grade offering with ease of operations. The following details  “What’s New” in CAS Manager 21.10.

Backup and Restore for CAS Manager using default data storage

Utility is provided to backup and restore data when CAS Manager is using the default MongoDB and Vault server for data storage. Restore can be applied to the same CAS Manager instance, or the backup files can be moved to a separated virtual machine, that has CAS Manager pre-installed, and the CAS Manager data will be restored to that virtual machine.

CAS Manager internal connections support TLS 

Data transfer between CAS Manager and the internal MongoDB and Vault server is secured with an automatically generated self-signed TLS certificate.

Renew TLS certificates for internal connections

The in-cluster MongoDB and Vault servers TLS Certificates will expire after two years by default. These certificates will be automatically renewed when you perform an upgrade. You can manually renew the certificates by using the --generate-certs flag if there is not plan to upgrade within two years.


End of Support
This release is no longer supported.

Release Overview

These release notes provide a summary of key additions, resolved issues, and known issues for CAS Manager 21.07. Also note that all features listed for CAS Manager a Services will be included in CAS Manager.

What's New in This Release

Our focus in this release was quality, stabilization, usability, and few enhancements to enable CAS Manager evolve into a Enterprise grade offering with ease of operations. The following details  “What’s New” in CAS Manager 21.07.

Azure Key Vault supported for secret storage

CAS Manager now supports more flexibility and ease of management when storing your secrets. You can choose to use Azure Key Vault for secret storage. This is highly recommended if you are installing CAS Manager in Azure Cloud.

In-place upgrade 

This version of CAS Manager now supports an in-place upgrade of your CAS Manager instance. With this new enhancement, CAS Manager single node configuration is ready for a Production environment.

Vault token automatic renewal 

CAS Manager now supports automatic Vault token renewal, and it is possible to configure a custom renewal schedule.

configure command added

CAS Manager now uses the configure command to change the configuration, the update command will remain the same, and will be removed in a future release.

CAS Manager 21.07 also includes updates to the CAS Manager Admin Console.

This release includes the following updates:

Group Attribute Names

Administrators can now update the Group attribute name in their SAML configurations. The Group attribute name is to used to determine which attribute tag from the SAML Assertion contains the user's group information to match against the configuration's Allowed groups. This can be accessed by going to the Multi admin settings page and selecting the Allowed groups tab.

Custom Account Names

Administrators can now create Deployment Service Accounts with a custom account name, which can be helpful for identifying what the service account is being used for. After clicking the button to add a Deployment Service Account, admins must now provide the service account name before clicking "Create".

Filtering for User Entitlement Status

Administrators can now filter the tables for Remote Workstations and Workstation Users by entitlement status. This can be helpful for quickly finding workstations that are not being used, or users that need to be assigned to a workstation. These filter options can be accessed by clicking the options icon to the right of the table refresh button, then selecting "Filter by entitlement status".

Workstations Users can be filtered by the following:

  • Not entitled
  • Entitled to remote workstations
  • Entitled to pools
  • Entitled to remote workstations or pools

Remote Workstations can be filtered by the following:

  • Not entitled to users
  • Entitled to users.


End of Support
This release is no longer supported.

This is the initial release of CAS Manager.

With the introduction of CAS Manager 21.03, CAS Manager can now be installed in your on-premises (or private cloud) environment, or can be accessed as a cloud-based service from Teradici (CAS Manager as a Service).

In all deployment environments, CAS Manager interacts seamlessly with Cloud Access Connectors to access and manage your remote desktops and workstations. For more details, please see the CAS Manager documentation.

For complete feature history, see the release notes for the CAS Manager Admin Console.