Release Notes

Anyware Trust Center 24.03

Release 24.03 of the Anyware Trust Center includes the following:

Static IP Support

You can now configure a Trusted Zero Client's IPv4 and IPv6 settings via the Trusted Zero Client's interface, or by pushing from the Anyware Trust Center.

Support for 802.1x

With this release, you can now manually provision Trusted Zero Client devices with certificates for networks which require 802.1x authentication. The method used to do this depends on your Endpoint Management System (EMS); refer to your manufacturer's documentation for more information.

Client Firmware Version Enforcement

A new Trusted Zero Client policy has been added that allows administrators to set a desired firmware version number, and then block new sessions for any Trusted Zero Client devices that are out of date.

Setting desired/trust/policies/version to the desired version number will enforce this policy.

Support for Darksite Installations

The Anyware Trust Center can now be installed in dark sites, which do not have a connection to the public internet. Installing in a dark site requires a temporary internet-connected machine, which downloads required packages and creates an installation bundle. The installation bundle is then transferred to the dark site machine and installed. For system requirements, see Dark Site System Requirements. For installation instructions, see Dark Site Installation.

Note: OTA updates to Trusted Zero Client devices in dark sites is not supported in this release.

Resolved Issues


Known Issues

Anyware Trust Center not responsive after changing hostname


Currently if the hostname of the machine which the Anyware Trust Center is installed upon changes after installation, the Trust Center will not start properly.


In order to avoid this issue, a fixed/persistent hostname needs to be set on the machine before installing the Anyware Trust Center. This prevents this issue from potentially being encountered on subsequent reboots of the machine. 

In order to configure this, simply run the following command before installing the Trust Center:

hostnamectl set-hostname <desired hostname>

This hostname can be anything but is usually set to the machine's DNS name on the local network.