How do I enable and disable the PCoIP Zero Client session disconnect CTRL-ALT-F12 key sequence?
Enable When using a PCoIP Zero Client to connect to HP Anyware, Amazon Workspaces or VMware Horizon View the Ctrl-Alt-F12 shortcut is enabled by default. This setting can be configured via the AWI or PCoIP Management Console. When using a workstation with …
I can't see or access PC/workstation BIOS when using a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
Problem When remotely access my a workstation using the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card, the BIOS is not visible remotely and when it is, can't be controlled.   Cause In order to access the BIOS when using a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card, the USB function …
How do I reset the configuration parameters entered on my PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
Answer: There are four ways to reset the PCoIP Zero Client to default settings which are described below. The PCoIP Remote Workstation card (also known as a PCoIP host card) has one reset procedure also described below. Some network information will be …
How to configure an Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway or HP Anyware Connector
The following article provides an example on how to  setup an Amazon Network Load Balancer with the PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway (CM/SG) or HP Anyware Connector (CAC). Prerequisites:   Connection Manager & Security Gateway: 1. Deploy the …
How can I determine the frame rate at a PCoIP protocol client?
Answer: There are a multiple ways to determine the frame update rate displayed at the PCoIP Zero Client.    Note: the frame rate displayed at the client this may be different than the source display frame rate when in a congested network environment.  Log …