Random individual and mass client disconnects due to Cisco VSS Inter-switch links
Problem Random individual client disconnect, or mass client disconnects when connecting clients (PCoIP Software Clients, VMware View Clients, or PCoIP Zero Clients) connected to HP Anyware or VMware View virtual desktops.   Cause There have been observed …
Why can I not establish a PCoIP session when using (IDN) characters in my HP Anyware environment?
Answer: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are not supported by the HP Anyware. In environments that use the HP Anyware PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway, a PCoIP session will not launch when one or more IDN characters (i.e. ? ? ? ?) are …
Why can a session not be establish after a user disconnects while the Windows "waiting for programs to close" dialog is showing?
Problem When disconnecting a PCoIP session while Windows is shutting down or a user account is logging off with the "waiting for programs to close" dialog is showing; the ability to reconnect the PCoIP session is lost.    Cause When Windows is shutting …
Local Administrative Password setting is disabled after changing the firmware version in the profile in the PCoIP Management Console 3.0.0
Problem After changing the firmware version in a profile in PCoIP Management Console 3.0.0 the Local Administrative Password setting is no longer enabled and the password field is blank.   Cause This issue is known to happen when the following conditions …
When accessing the support site, cannot download documents or binaries, and never move past the spinning cursor
Symptoms When downloading documents or binaries associated with PCoIP, the support site shows a spinning circle and eventually times out without showing any content.   Causes The page content contained embedded elements that were blocked by some sites. …