PCoIP Host Driver Software 4.3.1 does not automatically map the PCoIP remote workstation cards in Leostream.
Answer : If you try to automatically map the PCoIP remote workstation card (host card) running PCoIP Host Driver Software 4.3.1 and using the Leostream broker it will fail. If you downgrade the PCoIP Host Driver Software to 4.2.2 it automatically maps. …
Which PCoIP Zero Clients are VMware Ready certified?
For a list of VMware Ready certified PCoIP Zero Clients see VMware View HCL .  Note: PCoIP Zero Clients can be identified by ThreadX in the OS Version column.  For a complete list of PCoIP Zero Clients, see the HP web site . … Which PCoIP Zero Clients are …
PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x is not loading pages properly when accessing the web interface via the FQDN
Problem Using fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in your browser to access the PCoIP Management Consoles web interface displays only a portion of the page. Using the IP address, the web interface page is displayed properly and user is prompt for user name …
Core API - PCoIP Client SDK for Linux
Core API Change Log This section outlines API call updates and changes for the Core API from the different versions of the PCoIP Client SDK for Linux.   20.10 PcoipClientInitData PcoipClientInitData structure has been changed for licensing related data. …
What is the HP Anyware Sizing Tool?
HP Anyware provides an excel System Sizing spreadsheet that provides sizing recommendations for HP Anyware deployments. It will recommend the number of PCoIP Connection Managers and PCoIP Security Gateways required based on the number of remote desktops …
Core API - PCoIP Client SDK for Windows
Core API Change Log This section outlines API call updates and changes for the Core API from the different versions of the PCoIP Client SDK for Windows.   20.10 PcoipClientInitData PcoipClientInitData structure has been changed for licensing related data. …