Why has local printing and clipboard redirection suddenly stopped functioning during a session to the PCoIP Agent?
Problem Whist in session to a PCoIP Agent from a PCoIP software client, clipboard redirection and local printing suddenly stop functioning.   Cause If the PCoIP Agent service is stopped, any existing PCoIP sessions will have their virtual channel plugins …
ICMP packets are being send from the machine at the start of the PCoIP session
Problem At the start of a PCoIP session a network trace or firewall logs are recording ICMP packet being sent from the machine. Further investigation shows they are from the PCoIP Server process. PCoIP server logs show a trace route log of up to 30 hops. …
Configures the PCoIP transport header
Configures the PCoIP transport header with the following options: When set to Enabled , the configured session priority of high , medium , or low is used. When set to Not Configured , then the default of medium session priority is used. When set to …
Why can a session not be establish after a user disconnects while the Windows "waiting for programs to close" dialog is showing?
Problem When disconnecting a PCoIP session while Windows is shutting down or a user account is logging off with the "waiting for programs to close" dialog is showing; the ability to reconnect the PCoIP session is lost.    Cause When Windows is shutting …
Why can I not establish a PCoIP session when using (IDN) characters in my HP Anyware environment?
Answer: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are not supported by the HP Anyware. In environments that use the HP Anyware PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway, a PCoIP session will not launch when one or more IDN characters (i.e. ? ? ? ?) are …