What does "Overridable Administrator Defaults" and "Not Overridable Administrator Settings" mean?
The PCoIP Group policy template contains two folders for PCoIP Session Variables. Overridable Administrator Defaults Not Overridable Administrator Settings When the PCoIP server or client loads, both settings are checked.  Step 1. Checks the  Overridable …
FAQ — System Requirements for PCoIP Product and Components
Articles describes the PCoIP products available and provides links to the system requirements found in the more recent documentation for each component. FAQ – Table of Contents What is PCoIP? Key features of PCoIP  . PCoIP products and components Answers …
Which PCoIP Zero Clients support wake-on-LAN?
Answer: All Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients support wake-on-LAN, otherwise known as 'WOL,' to turn on PCoIP Zero Clients remotely. To configure, a 3rd party WOL utility software is required to generate WOL packets to send to PCoIP Zero Clients. Also, WOL must be …
Client Performance Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide
Summary To receive a detailed client diagnostic report, create a client support/log file bundle  and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP  health check   tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The …
Why do I hear pops and crackles or dead air in my PCoIP session when connecting with a PCoIP Zero Client?
This article refers to the audio playback using the PCoIP Analog Audio Data Channel from a host machine to a PCoIP Zero Client. It does not apply to microphone input from a PCoIP Zero Client to a VM.   Problem The PCoIP Zero Client must have either an …