What does "IPC: Frame encode took xxx ms so far. Dropping down the quality to index x." in the log files indicate?
Answer: In this case, the imaging encoder has determined that too many bits were being sent in the upper portion of the frame (i.e. flooding) which causes the frame to take longer to encode, and therefore appears unresponsive to the user (> 750 ms to …
PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: IEEE 802.1x Network Authentication
This article provides a brief list of troubleshooting steps for common issues with 802.1x authentication. It is not intended to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide. These include scenarios for: Problems uploading IEEE 802.1x certificates to PCoIP …
Why my HP Anyware active directory service account user is failing to login to HP Anyware management interface?
Cause: Currently HP Anyware Manager does not allow domain administrators to be part of any group other than Domain Admins.  Solution: It is a known issue in HP Anyware Manger and bug has already been created for this issue. We are working to let customers …
Skipped compressing pkt due to PCM bit length in the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Logs
Scenario User notices poor audio quality when connected to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (host card), and the following entries are in the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card's logs: 12/04/2013, 00:01:41> LVL:3 RC: 0 AUDIO_CMPRS :Skipped compressing pkt due …
Why does the Management Console not recognize the DNS-SRV records and not connect with my PCoIP Zero Clients?
Scenario On a non-Microsoft DNS server, the DNS records have been created and the SRV record set for auto-discovery. However, the PCoIP Management Console is not recognizing these records and the PCoIP Zero Client devices are not registering in the …
Reverting to Legacy Certificates after changing the PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x certificate causes the web interface to fail to load
Problem The certificate of the PCoIP Management Console has been updated but the web interface now fails to load.   Cause After uploading the new certificate to the PCoIP Management Console, if your any reason that certificate is not supported, the web …