Sample CentOS 7.4 DHCP configuration file for PCoIP Management Console auto discovery
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a sample DHCP configuration for auto discovery of the PCoIP Management Console 2.x and newer. In this set up the following were deployed: CentOS 7.4 VM hosted on ESXi 5.5 server. Configured the CentOS VM with two …
How does device discovery work with the PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x?
The PCoIP Management Console must discover all of the PCoIP devices that it manages and therefore supports the discovery of devices using three mechanisms: DHCP Option discovery DNS DNS Service Record Discovery DNS-Based Discovery Prefix Manual Discovery …
Can I manage PCoIP endpoints external to the corporate network with the PCoIP Management Console?
The PCoIP Management Console 1.x & 2.x cannot manage PCoIP devices that are external to the corporate network or behind a NAT over the WAN. But the PCoIP Management Console 1.x & 2.x can manage devices that are accessible over a routable network, so if …
HP Anyware Licensing
 HP Anyware Licensing                               HP Anyware Licensing Models                                                                                                              START     ~3 mins Deployment of Local License Server and …
PCoIP Performance monitor counters are not available with the PCoIP Standard Agent and Graphics Agent.
If the PCoIP performance counters are not available in Windows Performance monitor when a user is in session please check the Performance Counter DLL Host service is running. The service may need to be set to automatic from manual startup. Once the …
What is the HP Anyware Sizing Tool?
HP Anyware provides an excel System Sizing spreadsheet that provides sizing recommendations for HP Anyware deployments. It will recommend the number of PCoIP Connection Managers and PCoIP Security Gateways required based on the number of remote desktops …