Upgrading from firmware 3.4.x or earlier, a message displays indicating my USB devices failed authorization
Problem When upgrading PCoIP Zero Client firmware from 3.4.x, USB locally terminated devices work, but no redirected (bridged) USB devices work. When viewing attached devices in the Administrator Web Interface (AWI) only the mouse and keyboard show as …
Can I use both DHCP options and DNS SRV records for device discovery in the PCoIP Management Console at the same time?
Answer: No . Note: It is recommended to user either DHCP Options or DNS Records when configuring auto-discovery for the PCoIP Management Console. To determine which to use you need to understand your environment. For example if you are only going to have …
Installing Management Console
After completing this unit, you’ll be able to: Install the HP Anyware Management Console, or Migrate to a newer version 25 mins   HP Anyware Management Console is released in three formats that feature CentOS as the PCoIP Management Console installation …
My PCoIP Zero Clients at the remote location cannot connect to PCoIP Management Console 3.x
Problem PCoIP Zero Clients in remote locations are not connecting to the PCoIP Management Console 3.x   Cause This issue was tracked down to a setting in the PCoIP Management Console 3.x (MC). Check under Settings > Remote and confirm if you have entered …
How to upload provisioning template and post script files to customer storage in HP Anyware Connectors for Azure
HP Anyware has changed the file names, locations and install paths of the PCoIP Agents. This KB provides instructions on how to update previously installed HP Anyware Connectors for Azure with these new locations to ensure that new remote workstations use …
Why do my PCoIP Zero Client image settings have no effect when I change them?
Problem When connecting to your HP Anyware PCoIP Agent or VMware Horizon VM you may notice that the PCoIP Zero Client imaging settings have no effect on the PCoIP Session. The pcoip_server log file and the PCoIP Zero Client AWI both indicate the imaging …
Connecting a new PCoIP Zero Client to an existing PCoIP Remote Workstation Card.
In general, newer firmware in PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards (host cards) are backward compatible with PCoIP Zero Clients using older firmware. However, enhancements to firmware may produce unexpected behaviors. Important changes are documented in each …
Why do USB 2.0 or isochronous devices fail to work as expected when plugged into a Samsung NC220 or NC240 PCoIP monitor?
Answer: This occurs because on the NC220 and NC240 monitor series, USB Ports 0, 1 and 2 are brought out directly and port 3 is connected to an internal hub. On this hub, 1 hub port is connected to a RS232 device, and another hub port is connected to an …