Steps for doing an Offline License Activation/Deactivation for Management Console

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For offline activation, you will need some assistance from the HP Anyware technical staff.

Scenario 1: 
Fresh license activation :

  • Login into your account on the HP Anyware self service portal .  Don't have an account? Register here.
  • Select Management Console as the Product.  In the subject line, indicate that this is a Need Help Activating an OFFLINE License.
  • Provide the license activation key in the description. HP Anyware support will then advise on the actions required.
  • Refer to the "Managing License Offline" in the Management Console Administrators' Guide for more information on the exact steps required.

Scenario 2: 
License renewal through offline activation:

In process of license renewal, you send a request to HP Anyware for new license code. Once you have received the license on your email, verify the license code with following condition:

1) If it is different license code compared with previous license code:
Solution: Follow the offline activation process mentioned in scenario 1.

2) If it is the same license code compared with previous license code:
Solution: Deleting existing license code by referring following steps:

  1. SSH to the MC or open the console
  2. Change path to the licensing folder:
    cd /opt/teradici/licensing
  3. Get an output of the licenses
    Output will look like this

    Fulfillment ID: XXXXXXXX
    Entitlement ID: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Expiration date: 01-Apr-2017

  4. Type this in to allow manual manipulation of the license store
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/teradici/licensing'

  5. Now delete the license using the fulfillment ID of the license required from the output of ./ from step 3.
    ./appactutil -delete XXXXXXXX
  6. Verify it is removed
    ./appactutil -view

The license should be removed from the store and the MC will be back to standard edition.

Go back to scenario 1 steps for completion of offline activation.