Random individual and mass client disconnects due to Cisco VSS Inter-switch links
Problem Random individual client disconnect, or mass client disconnects when connecting clients (PCoIP Software Clients, VMware View Clients, or PCoIP Zero Clients) connected to HP Anyware or VMware View virtual desktops.   Cause There have been observed …
Why can I not establish a PCoIP session when using (IDN) characters in my HP Anyware environment?
Answer: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) are not supported by the HP Anyware. In environments that use the HP Anyware PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway, a PCoIP session will not launch when one or more IDN characters (i.e. ? ? ? ?) are …
Why can a session not be establish after a user disconnects while the Windows "waiting for programs to close" dialog is showing?
Problem When disconnecting a PCoIP session while Windows is shutting down or a user account is logging off with the "waiting for programs to close" dialog is showing; the ability to reconnect the PCoIP session is lost.    Cause When Windows is shutting …
How do I make PCoIP Remote Workstation Card USB devices work on my Fujitsu CELSIUS R930 workstation?
Answer: If USB devices won't work on a R930, move the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card to a PCIe slot that is serviced by a populated CPU socket. Why this is necessary: The R930 has two sockets. If the unit ships with only one socket populated (a single …
Recovering the OSD when the resolution was set to 800x600 or lower which removed functionality.
This occurs because these low resolutions do not display the OSD correctly, and access to some configurations are lost. Previously this was not an available feature which prevented devices being put into un-configurable states by setting resolutions to …
Can I share the network connection of the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card with that of the host PC/workstation?
No, the network interface on the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card is independent to that of the host. It is not possible to communicate to the host operating system via the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card network interface. Therefore, you must connect both the …