How much latency does PCoIP technology add to the remote system?
The latency added by PCoIP technology to a remote system is related to the time to encode (compression) and decode (decompression) for the PCoIP protocol, which depends on the implementation. Total end-to-end latency is determined by OS latency and …
Feature Requests and Accelerated Development
Feature Requests   Teradici frequently releases new features for all our our products creating adding more value to you and opening up many new possible uses for our products. The new features are driven by feedback from our valued customers telling us …
How do I choose between remote workstation solutions?
To decide on the most suitable remote workstation solution for your needs, you will need to understand the available options. Remote workstation solutions: Dedicated remote workstation using PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards and PCoIP Zero Clients. See a …
What PCoIP GPO settings in VMware Horizon View take effect immediately after the change is made?
Answer: There are currently 4 GPO settings which changes take effect immediately. These are available in Horizon View 5.2 and are listed below along with links to the individual GPO descriptions. In Horizon View 5.3 an additional GPO was added to this …