Why is the PCoIP Management Console 1.9.0 and older slow to discover devices?
Answer: The PCoIP Management Console (MC) is tested to support up to 2000 devices. Some customers have deployed the MC and are supporting in excess of 2000 devices. Several customers in this scenario have reported that when trying to update devices the MC …
What are the priorities for video, audio, and USB PCoIP traffic?
PCoIP technology gives priority to USB and audio, while imaging uses remaining available bandwidth. PCoIP technology optimizes user experience for a given bandwidth by adaptively controlling quality and update rate of the image data, and optionally …
Random individual and mass client disconnects due to Cisco VSS Inter-switch links
Problem Random individual client disconnect, or mass client disconnects when connecting clients (PCoIP Software Clients, VMware View Clients, or PCoIP Zero Clients) connected to HP Anyware or VMware View virtual desktops.   Cause There have been observed …
Does the PCoIP Zero Client have left hand mouse configuration settings?
The PCoIP Zero Client currently has no specific left hand mouse setting. The PCoIP Zero Client configuration options in the OSD were designed to negate the necessity for right hand or left hand functionality therefore both buttons act the same. Right hand …