Which PCoIP Zero Clients support wake-on-LAN?
Answer: All Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients support wake-on-LAN, otherwise known as 'WOL,' to turn on PCoIP Zero Clients remotely. To configure, a 3rd party WOL utility software is required to generate WOL packets to send to PCoIP Zero Clients. Also, WOL must be …
Client Performance Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide
Summary To receive a detailed client diagnostic report, create a client support/log file bundle  and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP  health check   tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The …
Why do I hear pops and crackles or dead air in my PCoIP session when connecting with a PCoIP Zero Client?
This article refers to the audio playback using the PCoIP Analog Audio Data Channel from a host machine to a PCoIP Zero Client. It does not apply to microphone input from a PCoIP Zero Client to a VM.   Problem The PCoIP Zero Client must have either an …