What is the impact of minimum and maximum initial image quality on a PCoIP Session?
Minimum and maximum initial image quality sets the lower and upper quality level. The default values in HP Anyware is Q40 for the minimum initial image quality and Q80 for the maximum initial image quality. If PCoIP estimates there is adequate bandwidth …
Should I use an initial image quality of Q100?
An initial image quality of Q100 will deliver the highest quality of image PCoIP can deliver. Q100 is not lossless, for a lossless image, build to lossless must be enabled.  How to configure the Turn off Build-to-Lossless feature session variable in GPO …
How do I update the HP Anyware registration code in HP Anyware Manager?
This article illustrates how to update the HP Anyware registration code in HP Anyware Manager. The steps in this article are for Microsoft Azure only.   Requirements HP Anyware Manager has been deployed, up and running. Admin access to HP Anyware Manager …
Why does the PCoIP Zero Client OSD image quality preference slider not have any effect on PCoIP session?
Answer: Activation of the  Image Quality Preference slider requires enablement of the  check box found in the  Configure PCoIP image quality levels  ADM GPO variable shown below.   The Image Quality Preference slider (shown below) resides in the OSD under …
Should I configure "Maximum Initial Image Quality" to 100 if I want lossless still image?
No. Regardless of PCoIP image-quality settings, still images are always lossless. The time it takes to display them depends on your image-quality settings and available network bandwidth. For most situations, it is recommended to use 40 for Minimum Image …
Why my HP Anyware active directory service account user is failing to login to HP Anyware management interface?
Cause: Currently HP Anyware Manager does not allow domain administrators to be part of any group other than Domain Admins.  Solution: It is a known issue in HP Anyware Manger and bug has already been created for this issue. We are working to let customers …