Sample CentOS 7.4 DHCP configuration file for PCoIP Management Console auto discovery
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a sample DHCP configuration for auto discovery of the PCoIP Management Console 2.x and newer. In this set up the following were deployed: CentOS 7.4 VM hosted on ESXi 5.5 server. Configured the CentOS VM with two …
How to prevent PCoIP Zero Client users from typing in a different VMware View Connection server host name?
Answer:   To prevent users from typing in a different View connection server on login, you can make the logon screen Read-only and prevent users from typing in an alternate view server. To make the connection server option Read-only, perform the following …
Can I manage PCoIP endpoints external to the corporate network with the PCoIP Management Console?
The PCoIP Management Console 1.x & 2.x cannot manage PCoIP devices that are external to the corporate network or behind a NAT over the WAN. But the PCoIP Management Console 1.x & 2.x can manage devices that are accessible over a routable network, so if …
Security notice (CVE-2020-0601): Windows vulnerability affecting PCoIP Agents and PCoIP Clients
Summary A vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI (CVE-2020-0601) fails to properly validate certificates that use Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). This may allow an attacker to spoof the validity of certificate chains used to secure a PCoIP …
Why is my 802.1x configuration failing on my older network?
Scenario 1 In an environment that contains legacy network equipment, after setting up 802.1x, initial authentication fails. The authentication switch does not respond to any of the EAP-TLS request packets from the PCoIP Zero Client.   Cause Some legacy …
When does the PCoIP Management Console apply a resolution change using the Enable Preferred Resolution Override setting while in a PCoIP session?
In PCoIP Management Console (MC) 1.9.1 (and newer), PCoIP Zero Clients with firmware 4.1.2 (and newer) can be configured to override the attached monitors native resolution using the Enable Preferred Resolution Override feature. The setting is recognized …